Software Engineer
Software engineering is like an inseparable part of my life. I feel alive and always enjoy it. I am a adaptive, discipline, creative, communicative, problem solver and collaborative person. As a software engineer I am an expert in frontend, backend, manage project (web and mobile).
Place, date of birth
Last Education
as technician, professional computer trainer (microsoft office, graphic design, technician, networking).
as Fullstack Web, Team Lead of 7 members (freelance).
Build Online shop web base about list of properties for sale. Use Laravel, jquery, bootstrap, mySql, json, github, rest API, vps server.
as Fullstack Software Engineer
Make a web/android app base on clients request/ requirement (company profile, online store, park, waiting system, pos, custom). Use Laravel, ExpressJs, ReactJs, Materil Ui, React Native, mySQL, orm, github, rest API.
as Fullstack Software Engineer.
Make Ners App, school app, canteen app from scratch, custom (web & app). Use javascript, Typescript, Material Ui, tailwind, reactJs, Redux, NextJs, expressJs, Laravel, React Native, MySQL, postgreSql, github, graphql, rest API, web socket.
as Fullstack Software Engineer
make web app, and hybrid mobile app base on request/requirement (profile, online store, education, health, finance, custom ) use Typescript, Material Ui, tailwind, ant design, reactJs, Redux, NextJs, expressJs, Laravel, React Native, MySQL, postgreSql, orm, github, graphql, rest API, web socket, golang, phyton, docker, kubernetes.
My portfolio place and explore code on software development
main features is crime reporting and crime mapping, Web and android platform using Laravel, mySQL, jQuery, semantic, notyjs, reactjs, react native
main features is auto select location, park entrance and out, tariff and payment, report. Web base using laravel, tailwind, mysql.
main features is manage ticket (detail, attachments, verification, history, delete). Web base using Laravel, mySQL, reactjs, bulmacss.
main features are monitoring progress, register and approvals projects. Web base with nextjs, tailwind, materialui, emotionjs, rest api.
main features are search property, hotels, available rooms. Web base with typescript, nextjs, tailwind, materialui, rest api.
Agile, scrum, sprint
Figma, CorelDraw, Ai, Ps, Lr
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, PHP, Python, Go
Material Ui, tailwind, ant design, ReactJs, Redux, NextJs
NodeJs, expressJs, NestJs, Laravel, Web Socket
React Native
mySQL, postgreSQL, mongodb, ORM (typeorm, sequelize, prisma)
Jest, jasmine, mocha
Graphql, Rest API, Redis, JSON
Docker, Kubernetes
Windows, Linux, macOS
2009-2012 Senior High School
08 2013- 02 2018 at (UNTAG) Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, GPA 3.66
03 2018 - 03 2021 at BNSP Certification (Certificate of Competence)
04 2019 at ISTTS Institut Sains Terapan & Teknologi Surabaya (Seminars & Workshops)
10 2019 at INIXINDO (training)
based on national exams & school exams (Junior High School)
Duta Anti Narkoba Sidoarjo (DANS) Badan Narkotika Nasional Kabupaten (BNNK) Sidoarjo.
2010 - 2011 at Duta Anti Narkoba Sidoarjo (DANS) BNNK Sidoarjo.
2013 - 2015 at Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
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